João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil
September 02 to 06, 2024
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Chip in is the most important international congress in the field of microelectronics and microtechnologies, held annually in Brazil, and in 2024 it will take place in João Pessoa, the easternmost point of the Americas, with breathtaking landscapes, in a face-to-face format.
Chip on The Cliffs 2024 consists of five different events:
The 38th Microelectronics Technology Symposium - SBMicro 2024
The 37th Integrated Circuits and Systems Design Symposium - SBCCI 2024
The 8th International Symposium on Instrumentation Systems, Circuits and Transducers - INSCIT 2024
They form the largest forum in Latin America for discussions and debates on the conception, design, processing and modeling of devices and systems through to the characterization of integrated circuits, sensors, actuators, microstructures, instrumentation, as well as product development.
The congress will involve a technology fair, tutorial presentations, plenary lectures, oral and poster contributions, and various outreach activities, particularly aimed at attracting young students from local schools.

Keynotes Speakers
Dr. Octavian Adrian Postolache
Electrical engineer, Full Professor at ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, and Senior Researcher at Instituto de Telecomunicações.
Smart Sensing Systems and AI for Precision Agriculture in Climate Changes Era
Dr. Qinru Qiu
Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Syracuse University
A Journey into Neuromorphic Computing: Models, Algorithms, and Implementations
Dr. Cor Claeys
Professor at the KU Leuven
Research and Development Driving Advanced Semiconductor Devices Challenging the End of the Roadmap
Key Dates
Submission Deadline for Regular Papers/ Ext. opens Go to specific co-event website
Submission Deadline for Regular Papers/ Ext. Abstracts Deadline Go to specific co-event website
Regular Papers / Ext. Abstracts Acceptance notification Go to specific co-event website
Regular Papers / Ext. Abstracts FINAL submission Deadline Go to specific co-event website
Early Registration opens 24-May-2024
Early Registration ends 31-July-2024
Registration ends 06-Set-2024
Chip on the Cliffs event 02-Set-2024 to 06-Set-2024
Organizing Committee
General Chair:
Cleonilson Protasio de Souza, UFPB, Brazil
Co-General Chair:
Marcelo Soares Lubaszewski, UFRGS, Brazil
Local Organization Committee:
Ademar Virgolino da S. Netto UFPB, Brazil
Alisson Brito, UFPB, Brazil
Cleumar Moreira, IFPB, Brazil
Ewerton Monteiro Salvador, UFPB, Brazil
Juan Mauricio Villanueva, UFPB, Brazil
Raimundo Carlos S. Freire, UFCG, Brazil
Rômulo Calado Pantaleão Camara, UFPB, Brazil
Suellen Finizola Dantas Maia, FAPESQ-PB, Brazil
Verônica Maria Lima Silva, UFPB, Brazil
Waslon Terllizzie A. Lopes, UFPB, Brazil
Finance Chairs:
Juan Mauricio Villanueva, UFPB, Brazil
Vimar Villela Ravagnani, SBMICRO, Brazil
Publicity Chair:
Linnyer Beatrys Ruiz Aylon, UEM, Brazil
Ricardo Reis, UFRGS, Brazil
Panels Chair:
Luciano Volcan Agostini, UFPel, Brazil
Julio Leão, EnSilica, Brazil
Exhibition Chair:
Linnyer Beatrys Ruiz Aylon, UEM, Brazil